Friday, July 29, 2011

Update #2

An excerpt from Mr. Steve:

"Today we had passing rain showers all day but the people stilled came.  We put a big tarp between the meeting hall and our truck.  That way the people could stay dry
while waiting for their turn.  We had a much smaller building today but it went very

smooth.   Our translators are from the local bible college, we have been blessed to have them with us.  We saw 200-300 people today.   We have had a few hard medical cases today, but we were able to make the correct connections with the government and get the  treatment lined up.  We gave away 2 wheel chairs and many quad canes today.  The Man was so happy about the wheel chair, his family was just praising the LORD loudly and he was crying.  They had no idea we had wheel chairs."

 It is an amazing feeling to be doing God's work and serving the needy and destitute - thank you for your continued prayers...He is moving in awesome ways and many are coming to Christ.

Doing triage...Taryn from Have Kitchen, Will Feed at right

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